Tag: revolutionary war

  • 2022 events

    All listed events are tentative pending Covid restrictions, government rulings, etc. Several events have not yet posted their schedules. February 2022 18th Century – February 25-27. Prickett’s Fort, Prickett’s Fort State Park, Fairmont, WV. 18th Century Firearms and Accoutrements Show.  http://www.prickettsfortstatepark.com/events.html March 2022 Timeline – March ? No info at this time. Reenactor Appreciation Weekend, …

  • School of the Longhunter

    School of the Longhunter

    After a year’s hiatus due to the pandemic, Pricketts Fort, (near Fairmont, West Virginia)  held its School of the Longhunter, which is largely a symposium on various aspects of life on the 18th century frontier. This year, due to ongoing restrictions, all aspects of the event were held outside of the visitors’ center in and…

  • Events for 2021(?)

    I know that I have been pretty quiet as of late. The situation with Covid restrictions has been tough to assess. They seem to be loosening up in some areas and some groups are finally starting to plan events. There are other questions that I have heard expressed by concerned reenactors. Will Cancel Culture put…

  • Backyard Reenacting

    We all know that this reenacting season has been pretty much a wash. Linda and I decided to regard this as a “rebuilding year” and just work on our impressions. In an effort to keep our skills sharp and see what needs repaired or improved, we have set aside an area in our backyard to…

  • Events: January to June 2020

    This is what we have so far: January 2020 WWI – January 10-12, 2020: “Fortifying the Line” (Unit Sponsored Event) (Hosted by Fusilier Regiment 90). Time period: Early 1915. Event held at the Caesar Krauss Great War Memorial Site, Newville, PA. http://www.greatwarassociation.com/Schedule.html

  • Fort Henry Days 2019

    Fort Henry Days 2019

    The Fort Henry Days celebration is held at Oglebay Park near Wheeling, WV every Labor Day weekend. The original Fort Henry, built in June 1774, was not erected by any specific plan or design, but was one of a number of similar forts built to protect settlers on the frontier in the middle years of…

  • School of the Longhunter

    School of the Longhunter

       The 25th Annual School of the Longhunter was held at Pricketts Fort, 88 State Park Road,  Fairmont, WV 26554  As usual, the speakers were excellent and the event was worthy of it’s anniversary status.

  • A Quick Overview of 2018

    A Quick Overview of 2018

    Here is a quick overview of events that we didn’t cover in individual articles. April 6-8. School of the Longhunter – Prickett’s Fort, near Fairmont, WV. This is a very informative seminar on life on the frontier in the 18th Century. Subjects can vary from an enlightening discussion on the life of Simon Girty to…

  • Initial 2018 Calendar of events

    Here is what we have so far for the coming year through April. January 2018 WWI – Jan 12-14, 2018: “Bathelémont: Baptism of Fire”(Hosted by FR 90 (German) and the 18th RI (French)). Time period: November 1917. Event held at the Caesar Krauss Great War Memorial Site, Newville, PA. http://www.greatwarassociation.com/Schedule.html WWII – Battle of the…

  • Fort Frederick Market Fair 2017

    Fort Frederick Market Fair 2017

    One of my favorite events is the Fort Frederick Market Fair. This event held annually at Fort Frederick State Park. This is a Maryland state park surrounding the restored Fort Frederick, a star fort active in the French and Indian War and the American Revolutionary War. The market fair is a combination reenactor’s shopping mall…

  • School of the Longhunter 2017

    School of the Longhunter 2017

    April brings showers and on April 6-8 of this year, it also brought the School of the Longhunter which takes place at Prickett’s Fort near Fairmont, WV on an annual basis. This encampment/symposium is an interesting and informative event with a lot to offer for the Colonial era reenactor/living historian. This year’s presentations included talks…

  • 2016 – A Retrospective

    2016 – A Retrospective

      This is a month late, but better late than never. The following is a quick summary of events we attended last year: Our first event of the year was at Fort Indiantown Gap for the annual Battle of the Bulge Reenactment, sponsored by the WWII Historical Association. We take part in the Axis hospital…

  • Events – January – May 2017

      Below are the events on which we currently have information. More to follow. January 2017 WWII – Battle of the Bulge Reenactment, January 25- 29. Ft. Indiantown Gap PA. Contact: http://www.wwiiha.org/new/index.php/fig February 2017 WWII – Elbe River Event, February 18,  Old Bedford Village, Bedford, PA. regardless of the weather as usual. They still have…

  • Fort Frederick Market Fair 2016

    Fort Frederick State Park is a Maryland State Park surrounding the restored Fort Frederick, a star fort active in the French and Indian War  (1754–1763) and the American Revolution (1775-1783). The fort served as a refuge for settlers and was originally garrisoned by the 60th Regiment of foot and local militia. It was never directly…

  • Memorial Day

    There are numerous stories and legends about the origin of Memorial Day that have grown up over the last 150-odd years. From the freedmen of Charleston, SC, who cleaned up and landscaped the burial grounds of 257 Union prisoners of war buried at the Hampton Park Race course and then held a memorial service for…

  • School of the Longhunter 2016

    Prickett’s Fort, near Fairmont, WV,  held its annual School of the Longhunter once again this year and as usual, it was an excellent event. According to the official website, “Pricketts Fort, constructed in 1774, provided a place of refuge from American Indian attack for early settlers. It was built at the confluence of Pricketts Creek…

  • 2016 Events

    The following is starter calendar for the 2016 Reenacting season. More to follow. January 2016 WWII – Battle of the Bulge Reenactment, January 27 – 31. Ft. Indiantown Gap PA. Contact: http://www.wwiiha.org/new/index.php/fig February 2016 WWII – Elbe River Event, February 27,  Old Bedford Village, Bedford, PA. regardless of the weather as usual. They still have…

  • School of the Longhunter 2015

    The School of the Longhunter, held at Prickett’s Fort State Park, Fairmont, WV, is a two-day seminar which takes in a variety of subjects relevant to anyone who participates in 18th Century living history or even just has an interest in that time period. This year, the event was held on April 9th and 10th…

  • Upcoming 2015 Events – January through April

    The following is what I have so far for our general region. Some events have not yet released their 2015 event information. Check back for updates and additions. January 2015 WWII – Battle of the Bulge Reenactment, January 27 – February 1. Ft. Indiantown Gap PA. Contact: http://www.wwiifederation.org February 2015 Civil War – February 20-22,…

  • Fort Frederick Market Fair

    This year, Linda and I attended our first Market Fair at Fort Frederick in Maryland. I have been hearing about this event for years, but have never gone. I am glad that we finally did so. Located just off I-70 near Clear Springs, MD, Fort Frederick is in and of itself worthy of a visit.…

  • School of the Longhunter

    This year, for the first time, I attended the annual School of the Longhunter at Prickett’s Fort,  (April 3-4) accompanied by my wife, Linda. The School is pretty much a symposium on 18th Century frontier life and covers a variety of subjects and activities. For example, the program started with an in-depth discussion of tumplines…

  • MTA 2014

    For a change of pace for me this year, Linda and I attended MTA at the Jamestown Settlement as mere tourists, rather than participants. Because of this, we were able to actually take our time and look at every exhibit in depth and at our leisure. Certainly a different feeling than the usual ‘stealing a…

  • Mayday, Mayday, Mayday in Connecticut! Part II

    Here is an update on the ongoing situation in Connecticut from our friend on the scene:   Hello All: Things look very gloomy here in Connecticut. Monday afternoon the Governor and his party just released their bill to punish gun owners in this state for the crimes of an evil man. They have mercilessly exploited…

  • Spring Living History Events

    January 2013  WWII – Battle of the Bulge Reenactment, January 22 – 27. Ft. Indiantown Gap PA. Contact: http://www.wwiifederation.org February 2013 WWII – Elbe River Event, February 23, 2013, Old Bedford Village, Bedford, PA. regardless of the weather as usual. They still have several buildings available and are currently accepting pre-registrations. The scenario revolves around…

  • Sutton 18th Century Event

    Sutton 18th Century Event

    The following is a report from Bill Donegan on a living history event in Sutton, WV: 18th Century Event Re-enactors’ presentations were revealing at the Braxton County Courthouse last Saturday (7-21-12). Jim and I want to add an 18th Century impression to our repertoire. A friend of ours, who had some 18th century men’s clothing…

  • Mountaineer Military Museum’s Memorial Weekend Vet-together

    Mountaineer Military Museum’s Memorial Weekend Vet-together

      The following is a report filed by our correspondent, Matt Gillespie: Saturday I traveled to Weston, WV to take part in the Mountaineer Military Museum’s Memorial Weekend Vet-together.  There were several reenactors and veterans present who took part in the cook-out in front of the museum.  The cook-out was sponsored by the VFW Auxiliary. …

  • Military Through the Ages 2011

    Military Through the Ages 2011

    This year, I attended my third ‘Military Through the Ages’ at Jamestown Settlement. For those of you who have not attended this event, it is a high-quality, prestigious time-line event. Since it takes place in the environs of the reconstructed Jamestown Settlement and museum, it is doubly interesting. As usual, there were a wide variety…

  • Decision for Justice William Smith House Coming Soon

    Here’s the latest from Karen Ramsburg on the Smith house, soon to go to Ireland….? “Decision in Fate of Justice William Smith House Approaching MERCERSBURG, PA- One thing is for sure now, the Justice William Smith House has two options: it will be shipped to Ireland or bulldozed to the ground. Mercersberg, Montgomery, Peters and…

  • More on the Justice Smith House

    Here are the latest updates from Karen Ramsburg regarding the Justice Smith House: Hi everyone, With great excitement and plenty of research work ahead I want to introduce http://smithrebellion1765.com.  It is a living document as we continue to sort through primary sources related to the events surrounding William and James Smith and the Black Boys…

  • Save the Justice William Smith House (continued…)

    Here is a short update from Karen Ramsburg concerning the ongoing effort to save the Smith House in Mercersburg, PA.: To all: We are pleased to have received a letter of support from Professor of History, Kevin Kenny of Boston College, author of the recently published book on the Paxton Boys titled Peaceable Kingdom Lost.…

  • Local Events You Don’t Want to Miss!

    I wanted to give everyone a quick preview of some great events coming up in North Central West Virginia over the next few months. First of all, is the 5th Annual WWII Living History Weekend in Rowlesburg, WV on the weekend of June 19, 2010. This is West Virginia’s premier WWII event. Located in the…

  • MTA 2010 – Beautiful weather- Great time!

    MTA 2010 – Beautiful weather- Great time!

    The title says it all. March 20-21 was a great weekend for the annual Military Through the Ages event at Jamestown Settlement. Despite having been out at Newville the previous week and dreading the 7-hour drive, I still felt compelled to attend. I’m glad I did. This was even better than last year. I don’t…

  • Mercersburg’s Most Historic House Attracts Penn State Professors

    This is the latest update on the situation on the historic Smith House in Mercersburg, PA,  from Karen Ramsburg: The Justice William Smith House, circa 1759 is gaining recognition after two distinguished Penn State Professors of History and Art/Architecture have taken an interest in the property. Dr. William Pencak respected author and historian and Dr.…

  • Mercersburg – A Further Discussion

    As part of coverage of the ongoing fight to save the Justice William Smith House, we present more discussion by Tim McCown in the Philadelphia Progressive Examiner : “Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory is when both sides of an argument allow emotion to trump common sense.  In the case of the Justice William…

  • Does Anyone Care About American History Anymore?

    The following is a link sent to us by Karen Ramsburg concerning the Smith House in Mercersburg, PA. We ran an article about it earlier this year. It would appear that things have taken a turn for the worse. Once again, we seem to have short-sighted local officials who don’t seem to give a hoot…

  • Victory at Old Bedford Village – Report from the Front Lines

    The following is an email that we received from Roger Kirwin, the director of Old Bedford Village regarding the efforts to save the Village over the past few months.The Reenactor Post is proud to be a supporter of OBV and we salute them on their success in keeping the doors open! Dear Jim, Good to…

  • Soldiers’ Christmas at Ft. Mifflin

    Thanks to Chris Barebo for this notice. Sounds like a nice one-day event for reenactors in the Philadelphia area. – Ed. EVENT: Soldiers Christmas at Fort Mifflin. WHEN:Friday, Dec. 4th from 5:00pm to 10pm. LOCATION: Fort Mifflin, Fort Mifflin & Hog Island Rd., Philadelphia, PA 19153 Phone: 215-685-4167 CONTACT: Lee Anderson for more details: leeanderson@fortmifflin.us…

  • Old Bedford Village Threatened?

    Here is a report I just got from Stacy Roth regarding a possible threat to one of our favorite reenacting venues: Old Bedford Village. It sounds like some overzealous local official saw an opportunity to make a quick buck, even if it runs the Village into the ground. Guess the geniuses in the tax office…

  • Memo From a Timeline Event Coordinator

    Our staff received this intercepted memo from a source who shall remain anonymous: Dear Reenactor, Living Historian, Living Historical Reenactor, We have received your registration for our 7th annual “Timelines Through The Ages and Ages” event, and your letter of complaint. We do not refer to our Revolutionary War reenactors as “cross-dressers”.  There is a lace issue, but…

  • Upcoming Event: Rice’s Hotel/Hughlett’s Tavern in Heathsville, Virginia

    We received this communique this morning. All time periods are welcome! I am writing to see if I can post an invitation to single or an organization who would like to attend a living history weekend at Rice’s Hotel / Hughlett’s Tavern in Heathsville Virginia. I have had Civil War Reenactors there for the last…

  • Battle of Point Pleasant Boosts Mason County Tourism [The State Journal]

    One community in the state is busy promoting a battle that took place there during the Revolutionary War era. POINT PLEASANT — Not all heritage tourism in West Virginia revolves around the Civil War. One community in the state is busy promoting a battle that took place there during the Revolutionary War era. Point Pleasant…

  • Living History Pictures – Group I

    Living History Pictures – Group I

    Our first collection of images. Take a look and let us know what you think!