Category: Television

  • Burning Springs

       The following is a post from our correspondent, Bill Donegan: Thanks to Jack and Tonya Daft I was able to participate in the making of a documentary about the oil and gas history in the Kanawha Valley area. “Burning Springs” is a documentary produced by Motion Masters, a Charleston, W.Va. company that has produced…

  • A New Interpretation of the History Channel

    As my regular readers know, I ran out of patience with the so-called  “History Channel” a long time ago. However, I may have been wrong…the following is an careful analysis of that channel’s programming which seems to put it all into focus. Thanks to our newest contributor, Justin Eubank: If you’ve ever watched the History…

  • Review: 1940’s House

    Some years ago, when the “Reality Show” craze was picking up steam, PBS and the BBC fielded a few entries which dealt with historical subjects and required modern families to experience the lifestyle and, often, deprivations which previous generations had experienced. In 2001, the BBC released this entry in the “Reality” genre,  which featured a…

  • Whatever Happened to the History Channel?

    A number of years ago, I remember telling someone that despite the fact that schools rarely seem to teach much history any more, at least the History Channel was still there and people did watch it. Now it seems to me that that is little comfort. I was perusing the channel guide today and found…

  • A Sharpe Idea

    Some time ago, I began getting the Sharpe series from Netflix. If you are not familiar with this British production, it concerns the adventures (military and romantic) of Major Richard Sharpe, commander of the 95th (Rifle) Regiment of Foot in Wellington’s army during the Napoleonic wars. Sean Bean (Boromir in Lord of the Rings) stars…