The following is a report from our correspondent, Nick Korolev:
The third of five annual events in the Long Road Home program leading up to the 150th anniversary of the surrender at Appomattox continued April 5-7, 2013 at Clover Hill Village in Appomattox, VA with the Fall of Richmond. It was hosted by Appomattox County Historical Society, United Daughters of the Confederacy Appomattox, The Federal Generals Corps and Lee’s Lieutenants. All of the village was turned into Richmond with civilian re-enactors demonstrating civilian life and there was a working telegraph set up plus the Tredegar Iron Works building was constructed for the sole purpose of burning at the end of the battle. Historically, the Tredegar Iron Works was used to store naval shells and for the re-enactment was loaded with fire works to provide special effects. The public was encouraged to interact with all re-enactors and living historians both civilian and military. Food vendors and Sutlers were on hand.
The weekend weather started out bad with rain, hail and snow over Thursday night that left the grounds so mushy we called it Camp Swampy. Most of us arrived on Friday. Nights were cold and damp, but the days got up into the 60s and 70s with a light breeze. The village tractor was kept very busy pulling people’s trucks, cars and vans out of the mud as all set up the camps. I commented to friends in the Federal Generals Corps that we should be re-enacting Burnside’s Mud March and we all had a good laugh. There were over two hundred troops present for both sides with their families and the ground got quite churned up. Extra space the event was supposed to have on the next farm for camping had been withdrawn at the last minute due to a family issue so the Federals had to camp along the edge of the battlefield. As predicted, the ground was partly dried out by Sunday when it was time to pack.
In spite of the muddy ground, the event went off well and was enjoyed by all. The scenarios followed history closely and unlike the other re-enactments, the public was involved, especially in the evacuation. They got to observe staff meetings of both sides, a meeting between Confederate President Davis, Governor Smith and the Mayor, the wedding of Colonel Taylor at the Crenshaw House, mail call, President Davis flee the city, the battle for the city that included artillery and cavalry, burning of the Tredegar Iron Works, evacuation, occupation and Captain Sally tending to the wounded in the Chimborazo Hospital. Saturday evening activities included Stan Clardy’s one man show, a barn dance and artillery night fire. Sunday’s activities included a Civil War era church service, battalion drill, second battle that ended with Taps, pay and mail call and a ceremony at the Confederate Cemetery.
The saga continues next year on April 11-13, 2014 with the Battle of Saylor’s Creek. With the numbers of participants growing, a more spacious location will be used on a farm close to Appomattox Court House. More event information will be available on the Appomattox County Historical Society website at a later date : http://www.appomattoxhistoricalsociety.org/index.htm
Nick Korolev
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