Gun Control III – Mayday, Mayday, Mayday from Connecticut

 We got this in today via another of the Reenactor Yahoo! groups:


A call to arms for all re-enactors.

We are all being affected by the tragic event at Sands Hook. Unfortunately for WW2 and other Re-enactment here in Connecticut our future looks dim. The governor is overriding the Gun Task Force recommendations and adding back in his ban on semi-automatic rifles and magazine limits. As his Democratic Party has a lock on the Legislature he will ram it through.

There is hope. We need to hit the Legislators with a request for an exemption under the new laws for people engaged with historical re-enacting. The Commonwealth of Mass. has made exemptions in their firearms laws for members of Non-profit Educational Corporations and Veterans organizations while on Parade, and in transit for both residents and non-residents.

We need to do the same here in Connecticut. If you are a resident please contact your State Representative and Senator. You can go to and get their address. If you are a non-resident please use my Rep. and Senator and say that you want to participate in Connecticut events: .

Senator Gayle Slossberg

Representative James Maroney

Below is a copy of the letter that I sent them. Us it or your own version of it.

Please help.

Lewis Merritt

1 Can. Para.


Dear Representative Maroney:


I belong to a non-profit educational corporation that puts on historical re-enactments of WW1, WW2, Korea, etc. The Governors proposed Bans on semi-automatic rifles and magazines limits are of concern to us.

This 10 round limit may sound good to people unfamiliar with firearms but, it does not do anything to promote public safety. 15, 20 and 30 round magazines have been the standard size for many of the weapons that we use in our productions. This proposed limit of 10 rounds presents a problem as the cost of making custom 10 round magazines for these older weapons will be prohibitive. Also, some of the descriptions of banned rifles we have heard of may include our historic firearms.

If these punitive measures go through, please try to include some exemptions for educational purposes e.g. historical re-enacting, or exempt the firearms that have been declared Antique, Curio and Relics, or registered on the NFA list by the Federal Government. Keeping them off of the Banned List or from restricting their magazine capacity would help the Re-enacting community continue to make history engaging to more people. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts has made these provisions in their firearms laws for both its residents and non-residents.


Sincerely yours


Lewis Merritt


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