This just in. Correspondent Bill Donegan reports on the fighting between Union and Confederate troops in the area of Bulltown in the new state of West Virginia:

Bulltown Day I, 2011
8 responses to “Bulltown Day I, 2011”
first of all the tactical saturday at bulltown the 2nd company of virginia whiped the federals. the surrendered to us after we made an advance on the hill to push them back to the fort. we took two federals prisoner during the tactical,and after we pressed on the hill and after the federals surrendered to the 2nd virginia we yelled three hip,hip virginias,
Wait a minute, wait just a dullgun minute. You all know that just me and pvt. Jessie Kallel of the First West Virginia whooped you all on Saturday!(with the help of our friends!)Pvt, Jed Bates out flanked you all on the other side of us.
Me and Kallel got plum behind you all after out flankin’ you, and had picked some of you off before we was caught!
You was a walkin’ us back to yer lines when you saw that the fit was over and you all lost. Now come on youngins admit it, we whupped up on you. Ifin you don’t believe it just ask Kevin Skaggs he’ll tell ya.
yes u sent men from behind us and we sent men behind to take them prisoner or pick them off,but the thing is we had a great time,and i dont want no quirel with ya, because we might end ip on the same side and one thing that made it even better there was respectful people from both north and south and it was great reenactin with u guys,hope to see u at the next one
Yes Lane this banter is just all in fun- tyring to spice up the post with some controversy. Heck it’s just too quiet on here sometimes. I did have a great time. Don’t know how many I have left in me. Am going to be 63 next month.
Bill (Yank) Donegan
yes it is very quiet on here sometimes,and i will be 16 month,and maybe we can meet up at one of the other reenactments here in wv cause i dont do outta states anymore,and u wouldnt happen to know anybody who has any extra gear do ya?
u wouldnt happen to know anybody who has any extra gear or anythang would ya?
what kinda uniform pieces,cause i have been lookin for a while
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